Friday, October 15, 2010

Portuguese and Spanish versions of multi-language version of Girlfriend

Portuguese and Spanish versions of multi-language version of Girlfriend. .personal life .2003 years ago, Avril children always travel with a heavy pack, there are 30 ties. one of which is that she bought the rest is from my father holding her or send her fans . Avril children no longer wear a tie in 2003 because she was frequently reported by the media to cover up her use of such dress up her music and began to lead the trend among her fans saying that shocked. .her left wrist pattern inside a star, at Moncler the same time as friend and musical assistant's Ben Moody has a tattoo of an identical pattern.2004 in the second half of her right wrist there is a pink contains letters shaped tattoo mm is considered to form fiance Deryck Whibley. she and he bought a Beverly Hills house. .2004 年 3 months, she began involvement with Hera core. Duff is not so among celebrities and the rumors of Hera core. Duff criticism Avril children, in her against her supporters openly angry, because her children dressed as Avril. Hera core. Duff criticized her You should because you feel happy to support. Duff did not attend the interview): She smiles. on me, she pushed me out, I took her throwing himself on the ground, guards his way, but because I was on it, so guards throw me out.

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