Thursday, August 26, 2010

no matter how stringent the dress in under the rules

no matter how stringent the dress in under the rules, you can always point in the shoes to show personality, this may be the main charm of one of the shoes. Compared to men, women usually easier to play out more in the clothing patterns, but often have to be forced to rein in their dress style mm day we can not wear shirts printed palm tree dress with large gold, right? in what can only wear a boring suit the monotonous workday, a bow saw lovely pair of feet, bright color leather shoes, as if secretly unearthed their true face, my heart suddenly give birth to a kind of foul sweet do more than any other accessories you can affect the overall shape. who will high heels as a tool or instrument of torture of women, I feel sad for you, because really good shoes that can make you look better. I bet that few other men because women had a beautiful brooch and disapproving glances back. From another perspective, anyone know how to appreciate a well-dressed U.S. shoes girl may not have to be mad or philosopher Caixing shoes. If we are because shoes can add personality and love their clothes, then only selected to reflect the personal style of shoes can make sense. I never understand dress and ankle boots all-scene always reminds me of to buy into a pair of shoes to differentiate themselves is not easy.

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